Bushland Pre-school Room

Ages 3-5

Our Preschool room caters for 20 children, engaging in our school readiness program over a 2 year period. Our Preschool program is implemented and reviewed annually by our 4 University Qualified Educators, holding Bachelor of Education degrees, with over 50 years experience between them. We are closely connected with the local primary schools to focus on the expectations and goals of the schools in our area. Our Preschool room incorporates a balance of structured and play-based learning experiences, ensuring our children are fully prepared for their formal schooling years.

Pre- Lit

PreLit is a systematic, skills-based program that lays a sound foundation for children to learn to read.

  • Targeted at preschool children who will be transitioning to formal schooling the following year. 

  • It is designed to complement a play-based learning environment and supports the Early Years Learning Framework. 

  • There are 108 well sequenced lessons that teach pre-literacy skills explicitly and systematically. 

    Teaches phonological awareness and oral language skills.

  • Delivered in two 15 minute sessions daily:

    • Session one - phonological awareness.

    • Session two - oral language and print awareness. 

STEAM & Robotics

 Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics

  • STEAM challenges are hands-on, open-ended, child-centred, problem solving activities that can help children learn the process to solve real world problems through creativity, ingenuity, and perseverance.

  • It follows a process:  

-   Ask (What is the problem to solve?)

-   Imagine (Brainstorm how to solve the problem)

-   Plan (What are you going to do to solve the problem; 

            think and sketch ideas)

-   Create (Follow plan and build it)

-   Test (How well does it work) 

-   Improve (What can we do to make it better)

Example - Building a boat out of straws that will float in water

Robotics in early childhood can introduce STEAM concepts to children in a playful way, thereby encouraging them to be excited about further exploration in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Our preschoolers experiment with coding our Bee Bots allowing them to see first hand what they can create with technology.

Mindfulness & Self-Regulation

Our mindfulness program is about helping children build a strong sense of well-being so that they have the confidence to maximise their learning potential. It gives them the skills and techniques to help express their thoughts and feelings, self-regulate and build a strong healthy body. It incorporates YOGA, breathing exercises; using music and self regulation and calming equipment, and being creative using movement and craft.


A vital part of the success of the Preschool room is the praise and encouragement that the children receive. We aim to develop a great enthusiasm for learning within your child. Educators work at each child’s pace and offer full support and praise for: effort, trying hard and the process they work through, rather than the resulting piece of work. 

Throughout our play-based learning program we intentionally design experiences that target and develop our preschool objectives. All children within the preschool room have the opportunity to participate at their own pace and ability. Our educators are close by to monitor the children’s progress and capture those intentional teaching moments in order to scaffold the children’s learning. 

Our main objectives for the preschool program are within these four areas:

Social and emotional:

  • To try our best, and encourage an enthusiasm for learning.

  • To progress at our individual pace.

  • To build confidence in expressing themselves socially and emotionally, whilst developing a positive sense of self.

Preschool Mathematics - 

  • To ensure that Mathematical concepts are fully understood, through ‘hands on’ materials and in-depth discussions. 

  • To extend each child’s thinking and reasoning skills, along with their estimation, matching and counting ability. 

  • To ask and answer questions such as “what would happen if?”

Preschool Reading -

  • To follow pictures/ stories from left to right and top to bottom.

  • To identify likeness and differences.

  • To understand the concept of sequence.

Pre-writing - 

  • To reinforce correct pencil grip and correct motor movements.

  • To practice moving from left to right with a pencil.

  • To reinforce letter formation, with a natural slope.

  • To practice drawing a variety of writing strokes, patterns and lines.

A vital part of the success of the Pre-school room is the praise and encouragement that the children receive. We aim to develop a great enthusiasm for learning within your child. Educators work at each child’s pace and offer full support and praise for effort, trying hard and the process they work through, rather than the resulting piece of work.


Cockatoo Babies