Complaints and Grievances
This policy supports and guides the action of all children, families, educators, management and the wider community. This policy values
A code of ethics and conduct
A service culture free from discrimination and harassment
Transparent policies and procedures
Procedural fairness and natural justice
This policy ensures that all persons are presented with procedures that
Value the opportunity to be heard
Promote conflict resolution
Ensure that conflicts and grievances are mediated fairly
Are transparent and equitable
The service has a duty of care to ensure that all persons involved are provided with a high level of equity and fairness in relation to grievances and complaints and the use of Centre policies and practices should be used as a tool to help resolve issues.
Strategies and Practices
Conflict of interest
It is important for the complainant to feel confident in: * Being heard fairly * An unbiased decision-making process
Should a conflict of interest arise during a grievance or complaints, management, licensee or nominated supervisor will be nominated as an alternative mediator.
Parent Communication
Educators are required to work together with parents, sharing information about the children and supporting each other. When educators and parents work together it can only benefit the children, we are caring for by providing then with consistency and security. We advocate that educator should talk to parents daily about their child in a positive manner and try to make them feel welcome and at ease in the service.
Where a complaint is received, the procedure below is to be followed.
The staff member receiving the complaint is to attempt to settle the complaint in a friendly and co-operative manner.
2. If the complaint cannot be handled swiftly it should be referred to the Educator Leader for the relevant room.
3. Where the parties are unable to resolve the dispute, it is to be referred to the Authorised Supervisor.
4. If the parties are still unable to resolve the dispute it is to be referred to the Director by means of an email/written complaint which will set out the grounds for the complaint and the desired outcome for the dispute resolution process. This written/email form is to be countersigned by the supervising teacher and forwarded immediately to the Director.
5. The Director will arrange for a meeting with the complainant and the Authorised Supervisor in an attempt to settle the complaint in a friendly and professional manner. At this meeting all efforts will be used to settle the dispute and return the situation to normal as quickly as possible.
External support agencies will be used if further information required. Agencies used would include: Inclusion Support agency, DOE Department of Education.
It is the policy of this centre that any complaints should be handled immediately and in a sympathetic manner so as to reduce the possibility of any animosity.
Lines of communication
At all times during the complaint settlement procedure, any staff member involved will conscientiously protect the privacy of the person making the complaint. The only person to be involved at this stage, apart from the staff member, is the Educator leader and Authorised Supervisor/Management. There will be no discussion with other staff members who are not involved in the complaint. This is to ensure an individual’s rights to be heard fairly and without bias and prevents other educators from forming an opinion before hearing all the facts. The complainant’s personal information will be used for the purpose of processing the complaint and will be protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988.
The aim of the complaints handling process is to return the situation to normal as soon as possible, with all parties satisfied with the result. All complaint and resolution information must be recorded in our online system
All stakeholders are encouraged to resolve their grievances with the relevant parties before making a formal complaint. If a resolution is not achieved the Nominated Supervisors will
- Encourage the complainant to make a formal complaint in writing/email
- Discuss the concerns of the complainant with them
- Advise the complainant of the process that will be taken to resolve the concern
- Undertake tasks such as observations and scheduled meeting and assess the need to involve the Directors or external
agencies in gathering information to reach an equitable resolution
All individuals involved in the investigation process are entitled to personal representation. The Mediator involved in the conflict resolution will be mutually agreed on by all parties involved.
Dealing with the Media
If at any time a situation attracts media attention it is the service’s responsibility to protect the interests and wellbeing of all parties involved. In order to avoid placing anyone’s privacy at risk or providing incorrect information the release of information will be the responsibility of the Directors of Engadine Gumnut Childcare Centre.
Once the investigation process has been completed, all parties will discuss the findings of the investigation and
Provide more information on why an original decision was made or process was used
Remedying an identified mistake or providing further clarification of an issue
Revoke an initial decision
Change a policy or procedure or reinforce existing policies or procedures
Provide all or individuals educators with appropriate training, counselling or information
A mutual agreement will be reached and implemented
If a mutual agreement is unable to be reached, the mediator will inform all parties of their decision
The final document relating to the formal complaint will include the actions taken to resolve the complaint, the agreed
resolution and signed by all parties. The document information will be uploaded and filed into our online system
Child Protection
This policy does not cover allegations made against a staff member. This is covered by a separate Child Protection Policy in reference to the Child Safe recommendation published in 2022.