Kookaburra Toddlers
Ages 2-3
Our Kookaburra room caters for only 8 toddlers, with 2 primary Educators and an additional floater.

Room Routines
Our toddler room routine is flexible and adaptable, catering for the needs of our 8 children. Our normal day consists of outdoor play in the mornings and afternoons, engaging in climbing, digging, running and exploring in the park, quiet time in our Zen garden and participating in our Eco Warrior program and Munch and Move.
Indoor time includes sensory play, construction, dramatic play, table top activities, hands on resources, children’s choice, group times, news,roll call and morning greetings.
Our meal times are enjoyed together on our picnic table outside, catering for all 8 of us at one table with our educators. This is closely followed by mindfulness Yoga and rest time on our beds.
Mindfulness / self regulation
Mindfulness plays such a big role in the kookaburra room! Once all of the children are ready, and on their beds we engage in yoga. We have a set of yoga cards that we use with a variety of poses that the children begin to become familiar with throughout the year. Each child is given a yoga card, with a pose on it. They are then responsible for demonstrating this pose to their peers for them all to engage with. This gives the children such a sense of independence and a responsibility within our routine, that provides them with joy.
We promote the children’s self regulation through the use of emotion coaching. We encourage the children to label the way they are feeling and we as educators constantly role model this. We have an emotions box that is readily available for the children at any time of the day. Within this box we have a variety of resources that assist the children in labeling, processing and managing these emotions. To identify their emotions they do so using our emotions mirror, and then they find the corresponding coloured emotion bag.
Being, Belonging and Becoming
Each of the children in the kookaburra room are provided with an individual basket with their own photo. In these baskets the children keep their hats, sunscreen and comforters so they are easily accessible to them at all times throughout the day, promoting their independence. Having these out for the children also allows them to become familiar with each of their peers. We also promote the children’s sense of belonging with our welcome tree. Each morning the children greet each other and place the kookaburra that has their face on it onto the tree. Our toddlers assist with pack away, room set, and directing their play through children’s choice and connections from home.
Kookaburra highlight Video
Creative learning through making and moving
Coming soon.